Our projects
City Clinical Hospital № 59
City child clinic № 125
City Children's polyclinic № 34 branch number 1 BPH number 104
City Clinical Hospital № 64
City Children's polyclinic № 33 branch number 3 BPH number 94
State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow Power Engineering Institute" (TU)
Federal State Institution
City child clinic № 115
Public cultural institutions of the city of Moscow "Moscow State Chamber Choir" im.V.Minina
14 storey residential building at 168 kavartir
Preschool educational institution with 220 seats, 12 groups (DOW), Kindergarten № 1942
Sports Complex "Youth"
Private school and private kindergarten "Penates"
Preschool educational institution with 220 seats, 12 groups
SUE Moscow "Moscow Drama Theater" Awareness "
Fitness center with a hall 36x18